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时间: 楚欣2 翻译

  敦煌是以莫髙窟(Mogao Caves)而著名的旅游胜地。在古代,敦煌是中国与其西方邻居之间的贸易中心。随着丝绸之路沿线贸易的蓬勃发展,敦煌迅速发展为中国历史上国际贸易最开放的地区。敦煌有1000多个石窟是在悬崖上雕刻出来的。石窟反映了丝绸之路的文明和历史上中国人民的宗教生活、艺术和习俗的重要方面,其中包括这个时期传入中国的佛教(Buddhism)。敦煌石窟一直被视为中国的国宝。


  Dunhuang is a renowned tourist resort famous for the Mogao Caves.In ancient times, Dunhuangwas the center of trade between China and its western neighbors. With the flourishing of trade alongthe Silk Road, Dunhuang quickly developed to become the most open area in international trade inChinese histoiy. Over 1,000 caves were cut out of cliffs in Dunhuang. The caves reflect Silk Roadcivilization and important aspects of Chinese people's religious life, art, and customs in histoiy,including the introduction of Buddhism to China during this period. Dunhuang grottoes have alwaysbeen regarded as the national treasure of China.

  1.敦煌是以莫高窟而著名的旅游胜地:“以...而著名”可译为be famous for。类似短语还有be famous as(作为…而著名)。“旅游胜地”可译为tourist resort。


  3.敦煌石窟一直被视为中国的国宝:其中“被视为”可译为be regarded as,也可译为be seen as或beconsidered as。“国宝”可译为national treasure。

  杭州最著名的景点是西湖(the West Lake)。西湖是人造湖泊,是根据中国人喜爱的休闲式的花园风格公园而建造的。十个世纪以来,西湖一直被中国的文人墨客(men of letters)视为精神家园。宋代诗人苏轼把西湖比作中国古代最美丽的女人西子。中国古代人民将西湖周围的区域誉为神奇美丽的土地。在现代,西湖被视为杭州的骄傲,被人们当作躲开城市喧嚣(the hustle and bustle)的好地方。


  The most famous attraction in Hangzhou is the West Lake. West Lake is man-made and createdafter Chinese people's love for recreational garden style parks.For ten centuries, it has always beenregarded as the spiritual home by Chinese men of letters.Su Shi,a poet in the SongDynasty,compared West Lake to Xi Zi,the most beautiful woman in ancient China.Ancient Chinesepeople praised the area around West Lake as a miraculous and beautiful land.In modern times,WestLake is taken as the pride of Hangzhou, and a perfect spot to escape the hustle and bustle of thecity.


  2.十个世纪以来,西湖一直被中国的文人墨客视为精神家园:“文人墨客”是个极具中国特色的词汇,翻译为men of letters。

  3.中国古代人民将西湖周围的区域誉为神奇美丽的土地:"神奇美丽的土地”可用miraculous and bcautifulland表示。其中miraculous意为“神奇的”。