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时间: 楚欣2 翻译

  建造长城(the Great Wall)是为了防御来自蒙古(Mongolia)的北方人侵者。多年来,人们已经建造了一些较矮小的城墙,但是秦始皇(Qin Shi Huang)决定建造一座巨大的城墙来保卫他北边的疆土。长城始建于秦朝,后续的朝代进行继续建 造。后来,明朝重建了长城。我们今天所说的长城绝大部分都是明朝建造的。长 城是由农民、奴隶、犯人以及皇帝决定惩罚的人建造的。

  The Great Wall was built to defend against thenorthern invaders from Mongolia. Smaller andshorter walls had been built over the years, while QinShi Huang decided to build a single giant wall toprotect his northern borders. The construction ofthe Great Wall started in the Qin Dynasty and the following dynasties continued to work on itLater, the Ming Dynasty rebuilt the wail Most parts of the so- called Great Wall today was builtin the Ming Dynasty. The wall was built by peasants,slaves, criminals, and other people that theemperor decided to punish.

  郑和是一位伟大的中国探险家和舰队指挥官。他主要进行了七次探险活动, 为中国皇帝(Chineseemperor)探索了世界,并在新的区域建立了与中国的贸易联系。永乐帝(Emperor Yongle)想向世界其他国家展示中华帝国(theChinese Empire)的荣耀与权力,同时还想与世界其他国家建立贸易联系。于是他任命郑和为首席特使(ChiefEnvoy),命他成立一个舰队去探索世界。郑和指挥了一个大型舰队,第一次航海时估计有超过200艘船,将近28000人。

  The arts flourished during the Tang Dynasty. Poetrybecame an integral part of the Chinese culture.Learning poetry was a must for those who wanted topass the imperial examination. Some of the greatpoets in Chinese history lived in this time, such as LiBai, Du Fu, and Wang Wei. While the Tang Dynasty is worldwide famous for its poetry, otherart forms also became very popular during this period. Many forms of literature took shape,including short stories and history novels. Painting was also very popular oxid many famouspainters arose in this era.