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时间: 焯杰2 翻译


  汉字有成千上万个,尽管其中的大多数差别很细微,且只在历史文献中出现过。研究表明,日常使用的汉字大概有三至四千个。大多数早期汉字是象形字(pictographs),用简单的图画来代表字,但现代汉字中象形文字已经很少了。许多现代汉字是两个或两个以上简单文字的组合。汉字也可以因为其线条和点的排列组合方式被看成是一门抽象艺术(abstract art)。


  There are tens of thousands of Chinese characters,though most of them are only slightly different from each other and only seen in historical documents.Studies show that normally three to four thousand characters are used on a daily basis.Most of earlier Chinese characters were pictographs-simple pictures used to mean words, but few modern Chinese characters are pictographs.Many modern Chinese characters are a combination of two or more simple characters.Chinese characters may also be considered to be an abstract art because of how the characters are made up of lines and points.


  1.汉字有成千上万个,尽管其中的大多数差别很细微,且只在历史文献中出现过:“成千上万”可译为tens ofthousands of; “差别很细微”即“细微区别于”可译为slightly different from;“出现过”的意思也就是“被人们看见”,因此可以译为seen,用过去分词形式表示被动。

  2.许多现代汉字是两个或两个以上简单文字的组合:“…的组合”可译为combination of...。

  3.汉字也可以因为其线条和点的排列组合方式被看成是一门抽象艺术:该句中 “因为其线条和点的排列组合方式”可译为由how引导的名词性从句,即because of how the characters...;“被看成是”可译为beconsidered to be, consider常构成以下词组:consider as(认为)、repeatedly consider(再三考虑)。



  相声(cross talk)是一种中国曲艺(Quyi)表演艺术,它起源于华北地区的民间说唱曲艺,在明朝即已盛行。大多数的相声来自于我们的日常生活。还有一些改编自民间笑话、历史人物、事件和文字游戏。最著名的相声表演艺术家有马三立、侯宝林、马季、姜昆等。相声在一代又一代表演者的努力下,一直是深受知识分子和平民喜爱的国民艺术。


  Cross talk is one of Chinese Quyi performing arts.Itoriginated from the folk vocal art and has enjoyed apopularity since the Ming Dynasty.Most of the crosstalks come from our daily life.There are also someadapted from folk jokes,historical figures,events andword games.The best-known performers are Ma Sanli,Hou Baolin,Ma Ji,Jiang Kun,etc.Cross talkhas been a national art popular among both highbrows and lowbrows with the efforts ofperformers generation after generation.


  1.它起源于华北地区的民间说唱曲艺,在明朝即已盛行:“起源于”可译为originate from, originate可构成以下词组:originate in/from (起源于)、originate with(发生)。“民间说唱曲艺”可译为folk vocal art;“盛行”可用名词popularity表示,即译为enjoy a popularity,同时也可以使用动词prevail表示。

  2.还有一些改编自民间笑话、历史人物、事件和文字游戏:“改编自”可译为adapt from。在实际翻译中,要注意区别adapt与其形近词adopt(采取;收养)的拼写。“历史人物”可译为historical figures。