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时间: 焯杰2 翻译



  We hereby promise that while developing the cultural industry,we will realize the balance between the protection and the development of cultural resources,and bring about effective point between the development and market demand of cultural resources,so as to instill historical,artistic and emotional connotations into the economy of the city and transfer the potential value of cultural resources into practical social wealth.



  “文化产业”:cultural industry

  “有效对接”:effective joint


  “社会财富”:social wealth





  Questioning is the progress of mind and the motivation of study.All the knowledge is acquired through questioning,and inventions or innovations often start from questioning.Those who question and are diligent in questioning are in possession of an increasingly enriched mind as well as increasingly sharp vision.He can offer amazing views on things that people would least set mind on;he can make unusual sense out of things taken as common by ordinary people.Although all of us cannot be great scientists of great philosophers,we should not give up learning or understanding.Qusetions are so common in the pursuit of knowledge and on the way to understanding.What a shame to be not diligent in questioning!



  “发问”questioning/asking questions。

  “动力”driving force/motivation。 2.别人不肯动脑筋的地方,他偏会想出惊人的见解;别人以为平常的事物,他偏会看出不平常的道理

  “不肯动脑筋”least set mind on。

  “惊人的见解”amazing views/insights。

  “看出不平常的道理”make unusual sense out of…