儒家思想(Confucianism)是中国影响最大的思想流派,也是中国古代的主流意识。自汉代以来,儒家思想就是封建统治阶级(feudal ruling class)的指导思想之一。儒家思想的核心其实是一种人道主义(humanism )。它提倡自我修养,认为人是可教化的、可完善的。儒家思想的一个宏大的目标就是实现“大同社会”,在这样的一个社会中,每个人都能扮演好自己的角色,并与他人维持良好的关系。
Confucianism is the largest Chinese school ofthoughts, and the mainstream consciousness ofthe ancient China. Confucianism had been one of theruling doctrines of the feudal ruling class since theHan Dynasty. The core of Confucianism is actually a kind of humanism. It advocates self-cultivation, and believes that human beings are teachable and improvable. A grand goal ofConfucianism is to achieve a harmonious society in which each individual plays his or her partwell, and maintains a good relationship with others.
1.思想流派:可译为school of thoughts。
2.指导思想:可译为ruling doctrine,也可直译为guiding ideology。
5.大同社会:孔子所提出的“大同”的特征是:“大道之行也,天下为公。选贤与能,讲信修睦…”从字面上也可看出,“大同”即为“和谐”之意, 故“大同社会”可译为 harmonious society 或 perfect society。
6.每个人:除可译为everybody、everyone以外,还可译为each individual, 更加强调个体。“扮演好某人的角色”即为play one's part/role well。
古都西安,一颗闪烁着古代文明和高科技之光的历史文化名城。西安古名长安,是世界四大古都之一。踏上这古老的黄土地,无处不在的是千古文人(literati)名士(people with literary reputation)传诵于世的古风古韵。历史文化的沉积,造就了一个著名的旅游城市。西安,这座让游人流连忘返的城市,在很久以前就享有“通史博物馆(General History Museum ) ”的美誉。
Ancient capital Xi'an is a noted historic and cultural city shining the light of ancient civilization and high technology. Xi'an,once called Chang'an, is one of the four ancient capitals of the world. Setting foot on this ancient ground, you can feel ancient customs and rhymes everywhere, which have been widely read by literati and people with literary reputation for thousands of years. This famous tourism city is created by the sediment of historical culture. Xi'an,a city that let people linger on with no thought of leaving has long enjoyed the good name of the“General History Museum”
1.历史文化名城:翻译为a noted historic and cultural city。
3.古风古韵:古风指“古代的风俗习惯”,古韵指“古代的音韵”,故可译为ancient customs and rhyme。该词组所处句子缺少主语,在翻译时需增译主语。
4.流连忘返:可译为to have much enjoyment and forget to go back home或者to linger on with no thought of leaving, linger on 意为“徘徊;流连”。
5.历史文化的沉积:可译为sediment of historical culture。sediment意为“沉积”。
皮影戏(shadow play)是中国最古老的戏剧之一。它起源于2000多年前的古长安,盛行于唐代和宋代。在中国古代,这是一个流行的民间戏曲形式,而且它是世界电影的祖先。当时,它就像现代的电影和电视一样给人们带来欢乐。表演者跟着音乐歌唱,同时控制着皮影工具。这些戏剧的内容更多是关于传统的历史戏画中。皮影戏是世界文化和艺术大家庭中的瑰宝。
Shadow play is one of the oldest operas in China. It was rooted in ancient Chang'an over 2,000 years ago and prevailed in the Tang and Song Dynasties.It was a popular folk drama in ancient China and also the ancestor of films in the worid. At that time, it brought people pleasure as modern movies and TVs do.Actors sing with the music, and control shadow tools at the same time.The contents of those plays are more about traditional historical dramas and fable stories.Shadow play is the treasure among the world's cultures and arts.
1.它起源于2000多年前的古长安,盛行于唐代和宋代:“起源于”可译为be rooted in。“盛行于”可译为prevail in, prevail意为“盛行,流行”。
2.当时,它就像现代的电影和电视一样给人们带来欢乐:“当时”可译为at that time。“就像现代的电影和电视一样”可用as引导的从句来表示,即as modern movies and TVs do。“给人们带来欢乐”可译为bring people pleasure。
3.表演者跟着音乐歌唱,同时控制着皮影工具:“跟着音乐歌唱”可译为sing with the music, with意为“跟着,随着”。“同时”可译为at the same time,还可译为meanwhile、in the meantime。“控制着皮影工具”中“控制”可译为control,常用短语为incontrol(控制中),out of control(失去控制)等。“皮影工具”则为shadow tools。