必胜高考网 > 外语类 > 英语四级 > 四级听力 >


时间: 未知2 四级听力
  got on well with each other-----never a fight, had a great time
  turn cold all of a sudden-----the weather turn so quickly
  go without dessert-----watch my weight
  overweight------a little out of shape
  gain some weight-----a larger waist
  only part of the book-----read a few characters
  in perfect condition-----never felt better in my life
  give his ankle a good rest-------stop regular activities
  sad occasion-------attend the funeral
  suggestion is constructive---------that might help
  pass the message to the man----- leave a note, I can give it to her
  buy the tickets beforehand-------in advance
  appeal more viewer over 40--------people over 40 might find it interesting
  hard to understand------complicated
  lost contact with------out of touch
  buy a new machine------invest in a new model
  offer a drive to the party------give her a ride