必胜高考网 > 外语类 > 英语四级 > 四级听力 >


时间: 思晴2 四级听力


  open an account 开户

  savings account 储蓄账户

  current account 活期存款账户

  check / cheque account 支票账户

  deposit account 定期存款账户

  annual interest rate 年利率

  monthly savings account 按月计息账户

  daily interest account 按日计息账户

  service charge 服务费,手续费

  signature card 签名卡

  draw / withdraw 提款

  blank check / cheque 空白支票

  exchange rate 汇率

  denomination / face value 面额

  bill 钞票

  change 零钱

  password / code 密码

  amount in figures 小写金额

  amount in words 大写金额

  credit card 信用卡

  the balance of bank account 账户余额

  traveler’s check / cheque 旅行支票

  unit (货币)单位

  value / worth 面值

  commercial / merchant bank 商业银行

  full refund 全额退款

  extension 延期

  overdraw / overdraft 透支

  payday 发薪日

  pay slip / envelop 薪水单

  an excessive amount 巨款

  mortgage 抵押

  by installment 分期付款

  apply for / grant a loan 申请/批准贷款

  debt 债务

  collateral 担保物

  fill out / in 填写

  chequebook / checkbook 支票簿

  loan 贷款

  joint account 联合账户

  cashier 收银员,出纳


  (bank) statement 对账单

  money order 汇票

  accountant 会计


  freeze to death 冻死

  be sensitive to weather changes 对天气变化敏感

  weather forecast 天气预报

  turn cold all of a sudden 突然变冷

  foggy / dense / heavy fog 雾天/浓雾

  snowstorm 暴风雪

  warm up 转暖

  become / get worse (天气)变糟

  sunny / clear up 晴天/变晴

  mild / agreeable 温和

  shower / downpour 阵雨/大雨

  the unreliable weather forecast不可信的气象预测


  on the phone 在电话里

  make a phone call to sb. 给某人打电话

  pay phone 公用电话

  long-distance call 长途电话

  local call 市话

  phone book / yellow pages / telephone directory 电话簿

  hang up 挂电话

  the line is busy. 电话占线。

  hold the line / hold on 别挂电话

  operator 接线员

  put / get… through to… 给……接通……

  take / leave a message 捎口信/留言

  answer the call 接电话

  return the call / call back 回电话

  dial the wrong number 拨错电话号码

  (toll) free call 免费电话

  receiver 听筒

  dial the number 拨号

  put through 接通

  tie up 占着电话

  be off 下线,断线

  get back to sb. 给某人回电

  drop sb. a line 给某人写信

  answer sb.’s calls接某人的电话

  keeps in (regular) touch with sb.与某人保持(定期)联系

  lose contact with sb. 与某人失去联系

  out of touch with sb. 与某人不联系,不接触

  frequent / regular guests 常客

  effective communication有效沟通

  have close relationships with sb.与某人关系密切

  keep (good) relations with sb.与某人关系(好)

  a true, long-lasting friendship真正、长久的友谊

  cancel a date with… 取消与……的约会

  chair a meeting / conference主持会议

  get on with sb.与某人相处(融洽)

  get in touch with sb.联系 / 接触某人

  break up with sb.与某人闹掰





