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时间: 焯杰2 英语四级作文


  Many young people in China today prefer Western holidays to traditional Chinese festivals. Christmas is now celebrated by the younger generation all over China, and it has become especially popular as a romantic holiday for boyfriends and girlfriends or young married couples. Valentine's Day is also extremely popular, and even Halloween is being celebrated now.

  This phenomenon has actually developed quite naturally in recent decades due to our educational system's focus on English study and therefore on English-speaking cultures. To many students, Western culture has become a symbol of self-expression and freedom from restraint. Celebrating Western holidays has become a way for students to express their love of something different from traditional Chinese culture, and to have fun together with their own generation.

  In my opinion, it's fine for students learning English and studying English-speaking cultures to celebrate Western holidays with their teachers and classmates. However, the way I see it, unless the young people later go abroad to live in those cultures, there is no reason for them to continue to celebrate them. We Chinese should hold on to our traditional festivals, the festivals which we have celebrated for centuries.


  1. 近年来,推迟退休年龄引发人们热议

  2. 推迟退休年龄有利也有弊

  3. 我的看法


  Based on a recent survey on the Internet, a majority of individuals admit that aging society will bring a variety of problems to their life. Along with the trend of longevity, it has become a trend for people to debate whether it is wise to postpone retirement age.

  Some people favor postponing the retirement age. In their eyes, it is this policy that enables the aging society to build up enough work-force. As a matter of fact, people in mounting numbers have come to realize this problem in an aging society. Even so, others hold a different view that postponing retirement age carries some risks. This policy can bring old people stress, but cannot arouse their enthusiasm for work, and cannot help them to enjoy their retirement pension.

  I am convinced that we should balance old people’ interest and this aging society. Thus, if those seniors have enthusiasm for work, we should educate, advocate and encourage them to work and perform their tasks. If we try our utmost to do so, the future of old people’ life will be promising, hopeful and rosy.