1. 挖掘考点:
由样题和2012年12月的真题可以看出,翻译题越来越重视中国的历史、文化,也就是越来越接地气。所以,建议考生有意识的积累和背诵一些和中国节日、历史事件、经济和社会发展相关的词汇。关注以反映中国社会为主的一些英文杂志和报纸。例如中国日报及其网站。大家每天看看网站中头条新闻,配合中文新[微博]闻的背景,就可以学到很多表达。推荐一个中国日报网站下面的一个小栏目:language tips,有大量简单实用的双语文章。
2. 实战演练:
【参考译文】A recent study conducted by the Boston Consulting Group says there will be220 million affluent consumers, who are from households earning between $ 20,000 to $ 1million, in China by 2020, and 75 percent of them will live in “smaller” cities. With thedevelopment of the Internet, an inevitable trend among these consumers is they are muchmore dependent on information from social networking services. Many of the website’scustomers are “grouped” by Wechat, Weibo and QQ Zones. It is now estimated that 250 millionChinese consumers will shop online this year and the average shopper in a fourth-tier city inChina will spend 50 percent or more of their income on e-commerce than those in top-tiercities。
【参考译文】Endowment may be part of Chinese tradition, but the standards have becomeso high in recent years that a majority of families are finding it difficult to meet them. The highendowment amounts often rob grooms’ parents of their life’s savings and causes familydisputes. Besides, many newly married couples are forced to host extravagant weddingceremonies to keep up with the Joneses and, in the process, run up huge debts that could turntheir married life sour, at least in the initial phase. Considering the frugal wedding of manyparents, simple but happiness, didn’t have any bearing on their married life。