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时间: 楚欣2 翻译

  Doing good is also known as “doing good deeds” inChina. Being glad to do good deeds is closelyassociated with excellent qualities such as tolerance,justice and kindness, etc., and it is a traditionalChinese virtue. Chinese people have alwaysconsidered it a happy deed to help others, and offer to help those in trouble with full-heartedenthusiasm. This kind of help is very selfless no matter the relationship between the helpedand the helper is intimate or not, and it requires nothing from others. People consider helpingothers as a noble obligation, and in the process of doing this they improve and perfect theirown soul and morals. This good virtue has taken root in the hearts of the Chinese peoplenowadays. It has become commonplace in China that if one person or one place is in trouble,people from all quarters will offer to help.

  1.行善:即“做好事”,可译为do good或do good deeds。

  2.和...紧密联系在一起:可译为be closely associated。

  3.不分亲疏远近:可理解为“不管被帮助人和帮助人的关系亲密与否”,故翻译为no matter the relationshipbetween the helped and the helper is intimate ornot。

  4.在...中扎根:可译为take root in。

  5.一方有难,八方支援:可译为if one person or one place is in trouble, people from all quarters willoffer to help。其中all quarters意为“四面八方”。


  过年吃年糕(New Year cake)是中国人的风俗之一,年糕是过年必备的食品。年糕在我国已有2000多年的历史了,至今仍受人们的喜爱。它是用米粉 (riceflour)蒸制而成的食品。年糕分南式、北式两种。南式以广东、苏州年糕为最好,其香味纯正,口感细腻,不软不硬。煮时不融,煎时不化。深受人们喜爱。炒年糕是年糕的特色吃法。它有很多种做法,不同的做法用到不同的原料,每一种都美味可口,营养丰富。


  It is one of Chinese customs to eat New Year cake during the Spring Festival.New Year cake is an essential food prepared for the Chinese New Year.It has a history of over 2,000 years in China and is still popular nowadays.It is steamed food made of rice flour.There are two kinds of New Year cake:the southern style and the northern style.Those made in Guangdong and Suzhou provinces are the best among southern style New Year cakes,because they are pure in fragrance, delicate in taste and neither hard nor soft.They do not melt when cooked and fried, so they are warmly welcomed by people.Fried New Year cake is an unique method of eating New Year cakes.It can be cooked in many ways,and different methods require different ingredients, each of which is delicious and nutritious.

  1.仍受人们的喜爱:可译为be still popular。

  2.必备食品:可译为 essential food 或 indispensablefood。其中 essential 和 indispensable皆意为“必不可少的”。

  3.香味纯正,口感细腻,不软不硬:可译为pure infragrance,delicate in taste and neither hard norsoft.

  4.煮时不融,煎时不化:“融”和“化”是一个概念,可用melt表示,故此处可译为 It does not melt whencooked and fried.


  当今社会,客来敬茶已经成为人们日常社交和家庭生活中普遍的往来礼仪。俗话说:酒满茶半。上茶时应以右手端茶,从客人的右方奉上,并时带微笑。当然,喝茶的客人也要以礼还礼,双手接过,点头致谢。品茶时,讲究小口品饮,其妙趣在于意会而不可言传。另外,可适当称赞主人茶好。总之,敬茶是国人礼仪中 待客的一种日常礼节,也是社会交往的一项内容,不仅是对客人、朋友的尊重, 也能体现自己的修养(self-cultivation)。


  Nowadays, offering tea to guests has become common etiquette in daily social interaction and family life. As the saying goes, white spirit, full cup; tea, half cup. Tea cup should be held on the right hand and offered to guests with a smile from their right side. Of course,the guests should pay respect as well, taking over the cup with both hands and nodding to express his thanks. When tasting tea,you should drink it in small sips, the beauty and fun of which is beyond words. In addition, you could praise the tea of the owner appropriately. In short, offering tea is a daily ritual of Chinese people when receiving guests and it is also part of social interaction. It can not only show respect to guests and friends, but also reflect your self-cultivation.

  1.敬茶:可以理解为“献茶”,故译为offer tea。

  2.俗话说:可译为as the saying goes,固定译法。

  3.酒满茶半:可译为white spirit,full cup;tea,halfcup。在中国的餐桌文化里,酒要倒满,而茶要倒半杯。

  4.以礼还礼:可译为pay respect as well。

  5.讲究小口品饮:即drink it in small sips。其中,sip作名词,意为“小口喝”;也可以作动词,例如Mike sipped hisdrink quickly.(迈克快速地喝了 一小口饮料。) 词组take a sip表示“喝一小口,抿一口。”

  6.日常礼节:可译为daily ritual。

  7.对客人、朋友的尊重:可译为动词词组,即show respect to guests and friends。