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时间: 未知2 口语
A: I need to see some identification before I can let you in.
B: But I’m not carrying any.
n. 1.身份证明;2.鉴定,验明,认出;3.认同
A: My ideologies and ideas about life have changed over the years.
B: That is natural, it is called growing up!
n. 思想(体系),思想意识
A: I’m up the creek without a paddle.
B: Stop talking in idiom!
n. 1.习语,成语;2.(在艺术等方面所表现的)风格,特色
A: I lost your wallet, I’m sorry.
B: You idiot, you are always misplacing things.
n. 白痴,傻子,笨蛋
A: Madonna is my idol.
B: And you are mine!
n. 1.偶像,受崇拜的人或物;2.神像
A: The fire was ignited by an accident.
B: Are you sure that it was not arson?
vt. 点燃,引发
vi. 着火
A: The new lights illuminate the room well.
B: Yes, I had them specially designed.
vt. 1.照明,照亮;2.阐明,启发
A: Is that you Helen or are you an illusion?
B: Yes, it really is me and I haven’t seen you for years!
n. 1.幻想,错误的观念;2.错觉,幻觉,假象
A: Your essay was very imaginative but lacking detail>
B: But you did say, Sir, that you wanted us to be creative.
a. 富有想象力的,爱想象的
A: Is that the real painting or just an imitation?
B: No, it is just a copy.
n. 1.模仿;2.仿制,仿制品;3.赝品
A: You are always immersed in a book.
B: I love reading, I can’t help it.
vt. 1.使沉浸;2.(in)使沉浸在,使专心于
A: My departure will be imminent.
B: Then why are you still standing here!
a. 即将发生的,临近的,逼近的
A: My grandfather is so old that he thinks that he in immortal.
B: Well, maybe he is!
a. 1.长生的,不死的;2.不朽的,流芳百世的
n. 1.神仙;2.不朽人物
A: Try not to get ill.
B: Don’t worry, I am immune to disease!
a. 1,免疫的,有免疫力的;2.(to)不受影响的;3.(from)免除的,豁免的
A: Your sight will be impaired if you sit that close to the TV.
B: I think it is too late, why do you think I have to sit this close!
vt. 损害,损伤,削弱
A: As a teacher it is my job to impart knowledge.
B: You have a very responsible job.
vt. 1.告知,透露;2.赋予,给予
A: Now, it is imperative that you listen to my instructions.
B: What will happen if we don’t!
a. 1.必要的,紧急的,极重要的;2.命令的
n. 1.必要的事,必须完成的事;2.祈使语气(的动词)
A: The imperial ship set sail for India in 1843.
B: What was the aim of the voyage?
a. 1.帝国的,帝王的;2.专横的,傲慢的;3.(度量衡)英制的
A: I am going to Canada tomorrow. I decided today.
B: That was an impetus decision.
n. 1.推动,促进,刺激;2.推动力
A: Do you think I will be able to do the job?
B: Absolutely, you have my implicit confidence.
a. 1.不言明的,含蓄的;2.(in)内含的,固有的;3.无疑问的,无保留的
A: I bought my car on impulse.
B: And do you regret it now?
n. 1.冲动,一时的念头;2.推动,驱使;3.脉冲
on impulse 一时冲动,一时心血来潮
A: The priest will be inaugurated on Saturday.
B: Is that meant to be a sad or happy occasion?
vt. 1.开始,开展;2.为...举行就职典礼,使正式就任;3.为...举行开幕式,为...举行落成仪式
A: What is the strong smell in the room?
B: Oh, I am burning some incense.
n. 香,焚香时的烟(或香气)
vt. 激怒,使愤怒
A: I will give you a bonus as an incentive to do more work.
B: But I don’t have time to do more work.
n. 刺激,鼓励
A: Stop with your incessant moaning.
B: But you won’t listen to me otherwise.
a. 不停的,连续不断的
A: The incident tool place at 8 pm on Saturday.
B: We will need to look for witnesses to the crime.
n. 突然事件
A: Incidentally, are you free on Friday?
B: I’m afraid not, why , what did you have planned?
ad. 顺便说及地,顺便提一句
A: The President was trying to incite the masses into action.
B: Do you think that the population will respond?
vt. 煽动,鼓动
A: I would like to have Monday to Friday off inclusively.
B: Do you mean each week?
a. 1.包括一切的,包括一切费用在内的;2.所有数目(或首末日期)包括在内的
A: If we incorporate your ideas with mine, I think we will have a splendid plan.
B: Sounds good to me.
vt. 1.包含,加上,吸收;2.把...合并,使并入
A: It is incumbent upon you to follow my orders.
B: Why, what gives you the authority to say such?
a. 1.成为责任的,有义务的;2.现任的,在职的
n. 现任者,在职者
A: I need you to go on a business trip. Naturally we will reimburse you for all expenses that you incur.
B: Sure, when and where would you like me to go?
vt. 招致,遭受,引起
A: I will be eternally indebted to my parents for giving me an education.
B: Yes, you are lucky, they have been very supportive.
a. 感激的,受惠的,蒙恩的
A: When will you return?
B: I’m not sure, I’m going away for an indefinite length of time.
a. 1.无限期的;2.不明确的,含糊的
A: Is your accent indicative of your region?
B: Yes, I think that I speak in a fairly typical way.
a. 1.(of) 标示的,指示的,象征的;2.陈述的,直陈的
n. 陈述语气
A: Paul tends to indict everyone that disagrees with him.
B: I disagree!
vt. 控告,起诉,告发
A: The unjust situation filled me with indignation.
B: I would not have been pleased either.
n. 愤怒,愤慨,义愤
A: I am having difficulty sleeping at night.
B: I hear that warm milk helps to induce sleep.
vt. 1.引诱,劝;2.引起,导致
A: I have eaten so much.
B: But it is your birthday, you are allowed to indulge once a year!
vt. 1.使(自己)沉溺于,满足(自己的欲望等);2.纵容,迁就
vi. (in) 沉溺,纵容自己,肆意从事
A: There was a feeling of inertia and inactivity when I entered the room.
B: That is because every one was sleeping!
vt. 1.不活动,惰性;2.惯性
A: Johannesburg in South Africa has an infamous reputation.
B: Yes, I have heard that there is very high crime rate.
a. 1.声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的;2.邪恶的,无耻的
A: The infantry fired several shots into the air.
B: I hope it was just as a warning to the enemy.
n. [总称]步兵(部队)
A: Doctor, I have a terrible cough.
B: I’m afraid that you have a serious chest infection.
n. 1.传染病;2.传染,传播,感染
A: Is my disease infectious, Doctor?
B: No, you can not pass it on to others, but you still need to be careful.
a. 1.传染的,有传染性的;2.有感染力的
A: Can you help me inflate this balloon?
B: I’m not sure if I have enough air in my lungs for that!
vt. 1.使充气,使膨胀;2.使得意,使骄傲;3.抬高(物价),使(通货)膨胀
A: Why are you a vegetarian?
B: I don’t want to inflict harm on animals.
vt. (on, upon) 把...强加给,使遭受,使承担
A: How can your camera take picture in the dark?
B: It has an infrared light to help it focus.
a. 红外线的
A: The roads and railways in my country are terrible.
B: Yes, the government needs to develop the infrastructure.
n. 基础结构,基础设施
A: I think I will take the day off work>
B: What an ingenious idea!
a. 1.(物件等)设计独特的,(方法等)别致的,巧妙的;2.(人,头脑)灵巧的,关于创造发明的
A: Di VInchi was a painter and designer of great ingenuity.
B: Yes, he was certainly very talented.
n. 独创性,巧妙
A: I would love to inhabit a small tropical island.
B: Alone? Would you not get lonely?
vt. 居住于,(动物)栖居于
A: Please inhale the sweet fragrance from the flowers.
B: Sorry, my nose is blocked.
v. 吸入(气体等),吸(烟)
A: There are certain facts inherent in the situation that I am unable to understand.
B: Perhaps you need to spend some more time thinking about it then.
a. (in) 内在的,固有的,生来就有的
A: I was inhibited form entering the building.
B: Why were there barriers in your way?
vt. 阻止,妨碍,抑制
A: I’d like to initiate a new project.
B: Sounds exciting, what are your plans?
vt. 1.开始,创始,发起;2.使初步了解;3.接纳(新成员),让...加入
n. 新加入组织的人
A: I had to have the medicine injected directly into my veins.
B: Ouch! That sounds painful!
vt. 1.注射(药液等),给...注射; 2.注入,引入,投入
A: Do you live by the coast?
B: No, I live inland, about five hours from the sea.
a. 内地的,内陆的
ad.  在内地(或内陆),向内地(或内陆)
A: let’s go for a picnic.
B: Good idea, I know a small inlet where we spend the afternoon.
n. 1.水湾,小湾;2.进口,入口
A: The prison inmates were protesting because of their living conditions.
B: Yes, the prisoners have a hard time.
n. (狱中的)囚徒,(精神病院等中的)被收容者
A: You are such a good pianist, it must be innate.
B: No, the prisoners have a hard time.
n. 天生的,固有的,天赋的
A: I’m going to an exhibition of modern innovations this afternoon.
B: Oh, can I come? I’m fascinated by new inventions.
n. 1.新方法,新事物;2.革新,创新
A: There are innumerable reasons why I can’t marry you.
B: Surely there can not be that many .
a. 无数的,数不清的
A: I would love to sail around the world alone.
B: You must be insane.
a. 1.蠢极的,荒唐的;2.(患)精神病的,精神失常的,疯狂的
A: Can you read the inscription in the book to me?
B: Sorry, I don’t have my glasses and the lettering it too small.
n. 铭文,碑文,题字
A: You are looking tired.
B: Yes, I am suffering from insomnia.
n. 失眠(症)
A: You are an inspiration to me.
B: You are quite amazing also!
n. 1.灵感;2.鼓舞人心的人(或事物)
A: Did you buy your car with cash?
B: No, I arranged that I will pay in monthly installments.
n. 1.分期付款,分期交付;2.(分期连载的)部分
A: That medicine worked great.
B: Yes, it had instantaneous results.
a. 瞬间的,即刻的
A: What are the words to that song you were humming?
B: Oh, it was just an instrumental piece.
a. 1.(in)起作用的,有帮助的;2.用乐器演奏的
A: My house is freezing in the winter.
B: Perhaps you need to insulate it better.
vt. 1.使绝缘,使隔热,使隔音;2.隔离,使隔绝(以免受到影响)
A: Did the parcel arrive intact?
B: Yes, there was no damage to it at all.
a. 完整无缺的,未经触动的,未受损伤的
A: What is the annual intake of students into your school each year?
B: Oh, about 100 pupils join each year.
n. 1.吸入,纳入;2.进气口,入口
A: You played an integral part in the project, thanks for your help.
B: You are welcome, but I do not think that my assistance was that important.
a. 构成整体所必需的,基本的
A: I admire your integrity.
B: Thanks, I think it is essential to stick to your principles.
n. 1.正直,诚实,诚恳;2.完整,完全,完善
A: My intellect is the most important aspect of my mind.
A: And you certainly use your well.
n. 1.智力,理解力;2.才智非凡的人
A: Mark always holds intelligible conversation.
B: Yes, he is very smart.
a. 可理解的,明白易懂的,清楚的
A: We could intensify the light in the room by painting the walls white.
B: Or we could just add more lights.
v. (使)增强,(使)加剧
A: I did not commit the crime with intent.
B: But that will be impossible to prove in court.
n. 意图,意向,目的
a. 1.(on)专心的,转注的;2.(on)急切的
to all intents (and purposes) 几乎在一切方面,实际上
A: I need to interact with some new people.
B: Good , but how are you going to meet them?
vi. 相互作用,相互影响
A: I think our post has been intercepted.
B: Why, were the letters open when they arrived?
vt. 拦截,截住,截击
A: The conference facilitated intercourse with many groups of people.
B: I hope that you had some interesting and productive conversations.
n. 1.性交;2.交流,交往,交际
A: What do you study in college?
B: The interface between humans and computers
n. 1.接口;2.界面,交接处
v. 互相作用(或影响,联系),互相配合工作
A: We have to submit an interim report by the end of the month.
B: And when will the official one have to be completed?
a. 暂时的,临时的
n. 间歇,过度期间
in the interim 在其间
A: May I offer an interjection into the argument?
B: No, the debate must continue without disruption.
n. 1.感叹词;2.(突然的)插入
A: How was the weather on your holiday?
B: Apart form the intermittent rain, it was fine.
a. 间歇的,断断续续的
A: Turn left at the next intersection.
B: I thought we have to turn right.
n. 1.横断,交叉;2.道路交叉口,交点
A: My parents are always arguing.
B: Is there anything you can do to intervene?
vi. 1干涉,干预;2.干扰,阻挠
A: I am planning an intervention into the affairs of my neighbours.
B: Why are you so interested in what they are doing ?
n. 介入,干涉,干预
A: Jane is always so outspoken.
B: But don’t be intimidated by her.
vt. 恐吓,威胁
A: He was completely intoxicated after coming home from the pub last night.
B: Yes, I knew he had a lot to drink.
vt. 1.使喝醉;2.使陶醉,使欣喜若狂
A: The details in the painting are exceptionally intricate.
B: Yes, it must have taken a long time to complete.
a. 错综复杂的,复杂精细的
A: Did you enjoy the novel I lent you?
B: It was excellent, the plot was full of intrigue and mystery.
vt. 激起...的好奇心(或兴趣),迷住
vi. 耍阴谋,施诡计
n. 阴谋,诡计,密谋
A: I found a piece of evidence that is intrinsic to our case.
B: Gosh, why did we not realize it sooner?
a. 固有的,本质的,内在的
A: I don’t mean to intrude, but can I join your conversation?
B: Don’t worry, you are not interrupting anything private.
vi. 侵入,侵扰,打扰
A: My intuition told me that he is bad news.
B: Yes, I never trusted him either.
n. 直觉
A: I am afraid this is the only piece of identification that I have.
B: But it is out of date which makes it invalid.
a. 1.(指法律上)无效的,作废的;2.无可靠根据的,站不住脚的
n. (需要有人照顾的)病弱者,残疾者
A: Your help was invaluable to me, thanks.
B: Don’t mention it, it was my pleasure.
a. 非常宝贵的,极为贵重的,无价的
A: Invariably the car broke down on the way to my exam.
B: Typical! What did you do?
ad. 不变地,始终如一地,总是
A: I would like to have an inventory of all the furniture in the house before I move in.
B: Certainly, that can be arranged.
n. 详细目录,存货清单
make inventory 清查存货,存货盘存;调查;评价
A: I can’t get the lid off this jar, Mum.
B: Try inverting it and then bang the jar on the floor.
vt. 使倒转,使倒置,使颠倒
A: Ironically, I missed the plane even though I was at the airport two hours in advance.
B: I call that unlucky!
ad. 1.具有讽刺意味地;2.嘲讽地,挖苦地
A: Do you think Jack is a good comedian?
B: No, he relies too heavily on irony.
n. 1.反语,冷嘲;2.具有讽刺意味的事,嘲弄
A: Irrespective of the weather, I think we should still go sailing.
B: But what if there is a thunder storm?
a. (of) 不考虑的,不顾及的
A: Despite the dry weather, I am amazed at how many crops the farmers are growing.
B: That is because they have developed an extensive and efficient irrigation system.
n. 灌溉
A: My little sister always irritates me.
B: Mine is also very annoying.
vt. 1.使恼怒,使烦躁;2.使(身体某部分)不适,使疼痛
A: Is Iran a Christian country?
B: No, it is Islamic.
a. 伊斯兰教的,伊斯兰教信徒的
A: The isle where we camped was just one hour by boat off shore.
B: Were there any inhabitants on it?
n. 小岛,岛
A: I’m itching to travel.
B: Perhaps you can go away following your studies.
vi. 1.痒,发痒;2.渴望,热望
vt. 使发痒
A: Your necklace is very unusual.
B: That’s because it is made out of ivory.
n. 1.象牙;2.象牙色,乳白色
A: I need to cut back the ivy from my windows.
B: Yes, it tends to grow at a rapid rate.
n. 常春藤