n. 小型公共汽车
A: Margaret, you always do the minimal amount of work.
B: Sorry, I will try harder from now on.
a. 最小的,最低限度的
A: Shall I turn the computer off?
B: No just minimize the current screen.
vt. 1.使减少(或缩小)到最低限度;2.极力贬低,对...做最低估计
A: Would you like a mint ?
B: No thanks, I have just brushed my teeth.
n. 1.薄荷;2.铸币厂
vt. 1.铸造(硬币);2.创造(词,词组等)
A: I’m surprised to see you so soon after your accident.
B: Yes, the doctors said I made a miraculous recovery.
a. 奇迹般的,不可思议的
A: I hope you are not up to mischief in there, Son.
B: No Dad, I’m only playing a video game.
n. 1.恶作剧,胡闹,捣蛋;2.淘气,顽皮;3.损害,伤害,危害
A: My grandfather encountered a lot of misery during his lifetime.
B: Yes, I am glad that I was not born back them.
n. 1.痛苦,苦恼,苦难;2.悲惨的境遇,贫苦
A: It rained heavily on my wedding day.
B: Oh, what a misfortune !
n. 1.不幸,厄运,逆境;2.不幸事故,灾难,灾祸
A: Aside from some slight misgivings , I think Mrs. Jones should have the job.
B: Actually I think she is perfect for it.
n. 疑虑,担忧,害怕
A: I was educated in South Africa by some missionaries .
B: Oh, what country were they from?
n. 传教士
A: I think David has a mistress .
B: No, he is happily married.
n. 1.情妇;2.主妇,女主人
A: But I don’t want to do the washing up.
B: The sooner you stop moaning , the quicker it will get done.
vi. 1.呻吟,呜咽;2.(about)抱怨,发牢骚
vt. 抱怨
n. 1.呻吟声,呜咽声;2.怨声,牢骚
A: I was attacked by an angry mob on my way home.
B: How terrible, were you hurt?
n. 暴民,乌合之众
vt. 成群围住,聚众袭击
A: How are we going to mobilize the masses?
B: It is certainly difficult to get them going, but we shall manage.
vt. 1.动员;2.调动,鼓动起
vi. 动员起来
A: How did he recover so quickly?
B: He mock his illness in the first place.
vt. 1.嘲笑,嘲弄;2.(为了取笑)模仿
vi. 嘲笑,嘲弄
a. 1.模拟的,演习的;2.假的,假装的
A: I have only two more modules to complete and then I have my degree.
B: Congratulations!
n. 1.组件,模块,模件;2.(航天器的)舱
A: On this momentous occasion I would like to thank all those who supported my cause.
B: There is no need to thank us.
a. 重大的,重要的
A: Are you in favour of the monarchy ?
B: No, I don’t support the king or the queen.
n. 1.君主制,君主政体;2.君主国
A: How do I get to your house?
B: Pass the monastery on the other side of the town and my house is the first on the right.
n. 修道院,寺院
A: What do you think of the new monetary union in Europe?
B: Oh, I think that it will be good for trade.
a. 钱的,货币的,金融的
A: I met a monk on my travels.
B: Oh, did you visit a monastery?
n. 修道士,僧侣
A: The play was excellent.
B: I agree, especially the long monologue performed by the main actress.
n. 1.(别人简直无法插嘴的)滔滔不绝的话;2.(戏剧,电影等中的)独白
A: Mr. Dalton has somewhat of a monopoly in the town.
B: Yes, he owns of the shops and restaurants.
n. 1.垄断,专卖;2.垄断物,垄断商品,专卖商品;3.独占,完全控制
A: Do you enjoy your work?
B: No, it is monotonous .
a. 单调无聊的,毫无变化的
A: There are monsters under my bed, Mum.
B: Don’t be silly, how would they fit?
n. 1.怪物;2.极其残酷的人;3.巨人,巨兽,巨大的东西
a. 巨大的,庞大的
A: I split some water on the carpet
B: Don’t worry, I’ll mop it up later.
n. 1.拖把;2.蓬乱的头发
v. 1.用拖把拖洗;2.擦干
mop up 1.(用布等)擦去;2.扫荡,肃清;3.完成,结束
A: The film was uplifting.
B: Yes, it was good for my morale .
n. 士气,斗志
A: Do you think you have a strict set of principles?
B: Yes, I think I have a strong sense of morality .
n. 1.道德,(行为等的)道德性;2.德行,品行
A: Be careful, that is dangerous.
B: Oh, we are all mortals and have to die at some stage or another.
a. 1.终有一死的;2.致命的;3.你死我活的,不共戴天的
n. 人
A: Did you buy your house with cash?
B: Not at all, I had to take out a huge mortgage .
n. 抵押,抵押借款
vt. 抵押
A: The drains are not working.
B: They must be filled with moss again, I will clear them.
n. 藓类植物,苔藓
A: Shall we stay in a hotel?
B: No, let’s save money and stay in a motel .
n. 汽车旅馆
A: There is a hole in your sweatshirt.
B: Oh, it was eaten by moths .
n. 蛾
A: Do you drive a car?
B: No, but I can ride a motorcycle .
n. 摩托车
A: What was the motto of your school?
B: I’m not sure if it had one.
n. 箴言,格言,座右铭
A: The castle was built on the top of the mound overlooking the village.
B: I assume they did that for protection.
n. 1.土墩,沙土堆;2.(一)堆,(一)垛
A: It has been a long time since your father passed away.
B: Yes, but I’m still in mourning.
v. 1.哀悼;2.(对...)感到痛心(或遗憾)
A: Have you ever grown a beard?
B: No, but I did have a moustache once.
n. 八字须
A: The grass is getting long.
B: Well, it is about time that you mowed it then.
v. 割(草)
mow down 大量杀伤,扫杀,摧毁
A: Don’t come into the house with muddy shoes.
B: OK, I’ll take them off now.
a. 1.泥泞的,沾满烂泥的;2.(光,色泽)灰暗的,暗淡的;3.模糊的,糊涂的
vt. 1.使沾上烂泥;2.使(形势,争端等)显得扑朔迷离
A: You are as slow as a mule .
B: You are no spring chicken yourself.
n. 1.骡子;2.[pl.]拖鞋;3.十分固执的人
A: Are you planning to feed the multitudes with this meal?
B: Yes, I cook rather a lot.
n. 1.大量,许多;2.[the ~]大众,民众
a multitude / multitudes of 许多,大量
A: Did you hear what Mandy said?
B: No, she was mumbling .
v. 含糊地说(话),咕哝
n. 咕哝,含糊的话(或声音)
A: I am going to see an exhibition in the municipal gallery tomorrow.
B: Oh, can I join you?
a. 市的,市政的
A: The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop.
B: You mean there was not even a murmur .
v. / n. 1.小声说(话);2.小声抱怨,咕哝;3.(微风,流水等)发出连续而低沉的声音
A: You are looking incredibly muscular .
B: Oh, thanks, I have been going to the gym five times a week.
a. 1.肌肉发达的,强壮的;2.(有关)肌肉的
A: Do you follow any particular religion?
B: Yes, I am a Muslim .
n. 穆斯林
a. 穆斯林的,伊斯兰教信徒的
A: Would you like any sauce on your sandwich?
B: Do you have any mustard?
n. 1.芥末;2.芥菜
A: After witnessing the accident my brother was mute for three years.
B: And why did he start to speak again?
a. 1.缄默的,无声的;2.哑的,不会说话的;3.(字母)不发音的
vt. 消除(声音),减轻(声音)
A: He muttered the answer into my ear but I still was unable to hear him.
B: You should have asked him to repeat it more clearly.
v. / n. 轻声低语,小声抱怨
A: Is this chicken or beef?
B: Neither, it is mutton .
n. 羊肉
A: My dog bit a young child once.
B: Is that why he now wears a muzzle ?
n. 1.(四足动物的)鼻口部;2.(防止动物咬人的)口套;3.枪口,炮口
vt. 1.使缄默,钳制...言论;2.给(狗等)戴口套
A: There are myriad reasons why I should not go on holidays now.
B: But there is one reason why you should, me!
a. 无数的
n. 无数,极大数量
A: My neighbour claims that she is a mystic .
B: Do you think that she actually has magical powers?
n. 神秘主义者
a. 1.神秘的,玄妙的;2.神秘主义(者)的
A: The moon looks mystical tonight.
B: Perhaps that is because it is a full moon on a clear night.
见 mystic
A: I want to study ancient mythology .
B: What interests you in particular about the stories?
n. 神话,神话学