必胜高考网 > 外语类 > 英语六级 > 口语 >


时间: 未知2 口语

  3. Please say it more slowly.

  4. What can I do for you?

  5. I'd like a Japanese-speaking guide, please.

  6. I want a Japanese-speaking guide.

  7. Does anyone speak Japanese?

  8. Does anyone here speak Japanese?

  9. Is there a Japanese speaker here?

  10. I can't make myself understood. 我们语言不通 *被明白,让对方明白

  11. I can't get my point across.

  12. I can't get through to him.无法让他明白。

  13. I don't know how to say it in English.

  14. I don't know it in English.

  15. I can't express it in English.

  16. I can't speak English.

  17. No English!

  18. My English isn't good enough.

  19. A Japanese-speaking person, please.

  20. Aren't you John?

  21. Pardon me? /Excuse me? /I beg your pardon? /Could you repeat that?

  22. How do you say “giri” in English?

  23. You say, “obligation”.

  24. What's in English?

  25. How should I say “giri” in English?

  26. How can I express “giri” in English?

  27. What's the English word for “giri”?

  28. What do you call this in English?