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  Jazz is an advanced art form with a rich lustory . It has been called America's classical music. Why? Well, for one, it's been around for a long time-over 100 years. Also, its reputation for complicated improvisationmeans it's often approved of by academics in a way that pop is not,


  New Orleans is the birthplace of jazz. It started among the big brass bands of the city's black ghettos at the end of the 19th century. The new music took inspiration from two very different musical traditions. It combined the rhythm of West African dance music with the harmony and melody of European classical.


  Common jazz instruments are trombones, tubas, saxophones and, of course, tmmpel Indeed, one ofjazz's most infuential musicians was a trumpet player LouisArmstrong. He was the first importan tjazz soloist to emerge and is stillloved by fans, who fondly refer to him by his nickname "Satchmo".


  Jazz's brass instruments are often played alongside drums and stringed instruments. However, the two key elements of jazz are swing and improvisation.


  Swing refers to the part of jazz that makes people want to dance. It is more a feeling than a specific sound. Jazz developed as music to dance to. The evolution of US "swing" bands like those led by Duke Ellington really amved during the 1930s.


  The other key aspect of jazz is improvisation. This means that you don't have to play what is written. Jazz performers will start out playing an agreed song but aren't expected strictly to follow the anticipated notes.Instead, they use their talent, creativity , and feeling to add new notes and sounds to the music as they are playing. That's what jazz is all about: getting inspired, being inventive, and living for the moment.



  In 1895, a man named Luigi Lavazza purchased a little grocery store in northern Italy for about $20. Today, over one hundred years later, Luigi Lavazza S.P.A is the irrefutable leader of the espresso market in Italy, boasting nearly 45 percent of the total coffee market share. The company owes its success to its dynanuc approach to business and careful attention to its customers' needs.

  1895年,一位名叫路吉·拉法札的男子花20美元买下意大利北部一家小杂货店0 100年后的今天,路吉·拉法札连锁事业无疑已是意大利浓缩咖啡市场的领导品牌,占有约45%的市场。公司将其成就归功于机动灵活的营销策略及其对顾客需求的关照。

  In Lavazza's store, coffee was sold raw and then roasted according to each customer's personal preference. Luigi Lavazza was considerably skilled at carefully selecting the amount of each ingredient required for one particular blend as well as expertly determining the degree of roasting.Over the next sixty years, the company experienced rapid commercial growth with its foray into the wholesale market and its decision to narrow down its range of products. By the mid forties, the company, now Luigi Lavazza S.P.A, began specializing in the production of coffee.

  拉法札店里销售的是生咖啡,它根据顾客的个人喜好而作相应的烘培。 拉法札在此方面的技巧十分娴熟,对任意一种特殊配制,其原料的质与量均是经过精挑细选,烘培的程度亦是经过审慎的专业判断。随后的60年中,该公司以突袭批发市场决定缩减产品经营范围的办法,取得了商业的迅速发展。在40年代中期,现名拉法札连锁事业的公司开始专门生产咖啡。

  The firm continued expanding by leaps and bounds, and introduced the first vacuum-packed coffee with a long shelf life in the sixties. Distribution soon covered all ofltaly, and the next two decades saw the conquering of both European and world markets. With its devotion to developing clever new tecl:uuques and products, Luigi Lavazza S.p.A shows no signs of slowing down, and will likely be giving other coffee companies a run for their money for a while yet.

  自此,该公司一直在持续飞速地发展并在60年代首创真空包装,延长了咖啡保质期。销售随即遍及整个意大利,之后的20年,它陆续征服了欧洲及全球市场 拉法札连锁事业不断致力于发展巧妙先进的技术及商品,从未表示过要放慢速度,它足以和任何其他的咖啡公司作一番短暂的较量。