必胜高考网 > 外语类 > 英语六级 > 阅读理解 >


时间: 焯杰2 阅读理解



  Ⅰ. Fill in each blank according to the article :

  1. Children are allowed, under proper supervision, to _________( 燃放) fireworks, to make a_________( 篝火) and burn on it the figure of a _________( 衣衫褴褛的) dummy.

  2. Certain Catholics _________( 密谋, 策划) to ( 炸毁) the Houses of Parliament on November 5th .

  3. He was_________ ( 判刑) to be_________ ( 绞死) , along with others of his fellow_________( 阴谋者) .

  4. He met his death with great_________ ( 刚毅, 坚忍) .

  5. It is the failure of this man, who was ( 坚定的) in his faith though perhaps misguided inactions, that is _________( 使不朽) by the children’s fireworks of November 5 th.

  Ⅱ. Choose the item which best explains the meaning of the underlined word :

  1. They’ve long been plotting to kill him.

  A. 构思情节B. 密谋C. 标出……的位置

  2. The newly built apartment house blocks our view.

  A. 视野B. 观点C. 视图

  3. They condemned him for his treacherous behavior.

  A. 判刑B. 谴责C. 迫使( 某人) 陷于不幸的境地


  Ⅰ. 1. let off / bonfire / ragged 2. plotted / blow up 3.condemned / hanged / conspirators 4. fortitude 5.staunch / perpetuated

  Ⅱ. 1. B 2. A 3 . B
