Importance of Buying a House
1. 有人认为买房很重要
2. 也有人认为买不买房无关紧要
3. 我认为…
Importance of Buying a House
There is a heated debate on the importance of buying a house with the soaring house prices. Those emphasizing the in^ortance of buyiog a house maintain that living in your bwn house makes you feel better and more comfortable compared to that in a rented one. Besides, no investment is more rewarding than buying a house nowadays. Statistics from both home and abroad shows that owning a house guarantees an increase in assets.
Quite the contrary, many people say, buying a house is not that important. On one hand, a rented apartment can provide the same comfortable or even better life for people. This is especially true when many people have no money to decorate their houses after the big purchase. On the other hand, peopk can spend more money on other more protitable investment than involving in real estate, such as buying stocks or other art poliections.
Personally, I think possessing a house is extremely important. At its core, a house is a shelter After buying a house, people will becomc stable. What’s more important is that thctr children will also settle and can concentrate on study _ children could get affected as they adapt themselves with the new places, teachers and creating new friends making them Lag behind academically.
On Taking CET Repeatedly
1. 现在许多考生为了得高分,多次参加大学英语等级考试
2. 有人对这种做法不赞成
On Taking CET Repeatedly
In recent years, many college students are laying grearstress on CET exams. In order to get high marks in the exam3 many sbdents are'taking CET lime and time again although they have passed it. When “CET season” approaches, campuses are filled with students occupied with CET preparations.
However, some people disapprove the idea of taking CET repeatedly for high scores. Although CET application fee is not high, taking the exams constantly can be a considerable financial burden. Moreover, it’s a waste of time to prepare for it every year, when you can do something more meaniigftil during the golden time in college. In addition, rather than focusing on CET, students should strive to develop other kinds of abilities.
As far as Tm concerned, it’s understandable to taking CET repeatedly for higher marks to be more competitive in the job market. If our future job requires a good mastery of English, we can step further to take high-level exams such as TOEFL or IELTS. But if it doesn't, we should not waste our lime and energy to take CET repeatedly.