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时间: 焯杰2 作文


  Here, in the picture, a concert is going on. The pianist is supposed to be playing Beethoven'ssymphony when, all of a sudden, a man with a tie stood up, talking loudly over his mobilephone and telling his friend that he was attending a concert of classical music. The audienceshuddered with panic and the pianist was nearly shocked to death.

  It is not infrequent that the above scene happens in public places. True, human beings havethe right to enjoy modern civilization, nevertheless, should they know how to conductthemselves in the modern civilized society?


  本文为一篇图画作文, 文体为议论文。作者就“ 移动电话”发表自己的看法。文章开头以“ 人类的创造力是无限的”一句引出移动电话的发明, 继而在第二段中描述了移动电话的迅速发展。接着第三段笔锋一转, 以However引出一段反面文章, 略述移动电话的负面影响是发明者始料不及的, 由此切入画面以为典型一例。结尾一段是作者的忠告— 享受现代文明也得讲文明。


  creativeness n. 创造性

  boundless a. 无限的

  means of commu nication 通讯工具

  not fixed in one place 不固定在一处

  facilitate v. 使容易

  township enterprise 乡镇企业

  journalist n. 记者

  people of all trades and professions 各行各业人士

  nowhe re we do not... 我们无处不……(双重否定)

  manufacturer n. 制造商, 厂家

  wor ry one's brain into 绞尽脑汁, 费尽心机

  multi-functional a. 多功能的

  satisfy one's needs 满足……要求

  It is a pity that... 遗憾的是……

  negative effect 负效应

  merit n. 业绩, 功绩

  abuse n. 滥用

  aircraft mechanism 航空装置

  incessantly interrupted 不断被打断

  concert n. 音乐会

  pianist n. 钢琴家

  Beethoven's symphony 贝多芬交响乐

  all of a sudden 突然

  shuddered with panic 吓得发抖