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时间: 焯杰2 英语备考

  2. (2014·沈阳高三质量监测)I ________(dream) of becoming a professional photographer ever since I was ten.

  答案:have been dreaming 解析:考查动词的时态。根据句中的“ever since I was ten”可知此处表示“从十岁以来一直梦想做某事”,即从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在的动作,故用现在完成进行时。

  3. (2014·成都高中毕业班诊断性检测)—Will you be available at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon?

  —No. I ________(attend) a lecture then.

  答案:will be attending 解析:考查时态。句意:——明天下午三点你有空吗?——没有。那时我正听讲座呢。时间状语then指的是问句中提到的“at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon”,表示将来某一时刻正在做某事,所以用将来进行时。

  4. (2014·陕西高三教学质量检测)—Why is the road so crowded?

  —The two new underground lines ________(build).

  答案:are being built 解析:考查时态和语态。句意:——路上怎么这么拥挤?——两条新地铁线路正在修建中。语境叙述的是与现在相关的动作,地铁线路正在被修建,故用现在进行时的被动语态。

  5. (2014·湖南“五市十校”高三联合检测)—Can he get the first prize for running in this sports meeting?

  —Impossible now. He ________(expect) to do so, but he has just hurt his leg.

  答案:was expected 解析:考查时态与语态。句意:——他能够在这次运动会的长跑比赛中获得冠军吗?——现在不可能了。原先还期望他能,但他刚刚伤了腿。根据语境和句意可知,他过去被人们期待,故用一般过去时的被动语态。

  6. (2014·重庆高三联合测试)Life is like a hot bath. It ________(feel) good while you're in it, but the longer you stay in, the more wrinkled you get.

  答案:feels 解析:考查时态。句意:生活就像洗热水澡。泡着很舒服,但泡得越久,你的皮肤就越皱。本句是在阐述人生的感悟,系动词feel应该用一般现在时。系动词没有被动语态,进行时表示现在的动作。

  7. (2014·北京海淀区高三期末)—Have they got our car repaired?

  —I don't know. But it ________(repair) when I called them yesterday.

  答案:was being repaired 解析:考查时态。句意:——他们把我们的汽车修好了吗?——不知道。但我昨天给他们打电话的时候他们正在修。由时间状语从句“when I called them yesterday”可知,这里表示在过去的某个时候该动作正在进行,故用过去进行时。

  8. (2014·福建福州高三质量检测)—You seem to be familiar with this city.

  —I ________(live) here for three years. It's great to be back.

  答案:lived 解析:考查时态。句意:——你似乎对这座城市很熟悉。——我在这里生活过3年。回来的感觉真好。根据语境可知,说话人只是在陈述在这里生活过3年的事实,故用一般过去时。

  9. (2014·郑州高中毕业班质量预测)—Have you read any novels written by the famous writer Mo Yan?

  —Yes, of course. I ________(read) several of his works when I was studying abroad.

  答案:read 解析:考查时态。句意:——你读过著名作家莫言写的小说吗?——当然读过。我在国外读书的时候就读了他的好几部作品。题干中有表示过去的时间状语从句,即“在国外读书的时候”,因此这里用一般过去时。

  10. (2014·浙江名校新高考研究联盟联考)—Doctor, I'm very concerned about my son's height these days.

  —Nothing serious, madam. He ________(develop) normally. After all, he is merely 12.

  答案:is developing 解析:考查时态。句意:——医生,我最近非常担心我儿子的身高。——没什么严重的,夫人。他发育正常,毕竟他只有12岁。此处用现在进行时,表示现阶段正在进行的动作。

  11. (2014·浙江考试院抽学校高三抽测测试)By the time the traffic ________(clear), we will have run out of gas.

  答案:clears 解析:考查时态。句意:到交通通畅的时候,我们的油都要用完了。依据By the time和主句中的will可知,从句应用一般现在时来表示将来,所以填clears。

  12.(2014·重庆市高三联合测试)—What's up? The house is in a mess.

  —Oh, I forgot to tell you. It ________(repaint).

  答案:is being repainted 解析:考查时态和语态。句意:——怎么回事?屋子里乱糟糟的。——哦,我忘了告诉你,房子正在被重新粉刷。此处表示说话时正在进行的动作,故用现在进行时的被动语态。

  13. (2014·北京海淀区高三期末)—Have you heard of the accident on this road last night?

  —Yes. And there ________(be) three accidents here so far this year.

  答案:have been 解析:考查时态。句意:——昨天晚上这条公路上发生的车祸你听说了吗?——听说了。到现在为止今年这里已经发生三起车祸了。根据时间状语“so far this year”可知,这里叙述的是延续到现在的情况,故用现在完成时。

  14. (2014·郑州高中毕业班质量检测)Larry, we're glad you ________(arrive). We were beginning to drive to the station to meet you.

  答案:have arrived 解析:考查时态。句意:拉里,我们很高兴你已经到了。我们正准备开车去车站接你呢。从句意可知,arrive这一动作已经完成,“我们”不必去接,故用现在完成时。

  15. (2014·合肥高三质量检测)I am sorry I didn't go to the cinema with you yesterday. You know, I ________(see) the film.

  答案:had seen 解析:考查时态。句意:对不起,昨天没有陪你去看电影。你知道,我早就看过这部电影了。根据句意可知,“我看过这部电影”发生在“昨天没有陪同”之前,即表示过去的过去,故用过去完成时。



  The first ever human head transplant (移植) is now possible. Dr. Sergio Canavero believes that the technology now allows doctors to carry out the Frankenstein-style procedure, which has been tested out on animals since 1970. Up until now there has been no way to successfully reconnect the spinal cord (脊髓), leaving the subjects paralyzed from the point where the transplant was connected.

  Recent advances have meant that reconnecting the spinal cord is now possible, and it is believed that the breakthrough means that previously deadly diseases could be cured. However, other experts cannot accept the idea. Professor Anthony Warrens, from the British Transplantation Society, said, “Connecting a head to a body is impossible for human beings today. The whole idea is bizarre.”

  In 1970 Robert White successfully transplanted the head of a rhesus monkey (恒河猴) onto the body of a second rhesus, and Dr. Sergio Canavero, a member of the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, has suggested a similar method. “The greatest technical difficulty in such an attempt is of course the reconnection of spinal cords between two creatures. It is my opinion that the technology only now exists for such linkage,” he said. “It is argued that several up to now hopeless medical conditions might benefit from such procedure.”

  He believes that a team of 100 could perform the operation in 36 hours —at a cost of £8.5 million. Both heads would have to be removed at the same time, and reconnected within an hour. “This is no longer science fiction. It could be done today —now. If the operation is done it will provide a few people with a great amount of extra life.” he said.“The only reason I have not gone further is lack of a huge amount of money for the operation.”

  However, Dr. Calum Mackellar, from the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics, added, “This sounds like something from a scary movie.”

  1. What has been the key to human head transplant?

  A. The choosing of human heads.

  B. The reconnection of spinal cords.

  C. Lack of a huge amount of money.

  D. Strong disagreement of the public.

  2. The underlined word “bizarre” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________.

  A. exciting B. clear

  C. strange D. unpleasant

  3. Robert White's experiment on rhesus monkeys shows ________.

  A. the possibility of reconnecting the spinal cord

  B. the difference between animals and humans

  C. a breakthrough in human head transplant

  D. some unsolved technical difficulties

  4. The last but one paragraph mainly talks about ________.

  A. the operation of human head transplant

  B. the development of transplant technology

  C. how to perform the operation successfully

  D. whether the operation is worth performing


  【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了人体头颅移植手术的可能性。

  1. B 解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的Up until now there has been no way to successfully reconnect the spinal cord及第三段第二句可知,到目前为止,人体头颅移植的关键在于脊髓的再结合,故选B项。

  2. C 解析:词义猜测题。由前面的Connecting a head to a body is impossible for human beings today可知,Anthony Warrens教授认为这种想法太荒谬了,故选C项。

  3. A 解析:推理判断题。由第三段中的In 1970 Robert White successfully transplanted the head of a rhesus monkey onto the body of a second rhesus可知,恒河猴头颅移植手术的成功使得脊髓再结合成为可能,故选A项。

  4. A 解析:段落大意题。文章倒数第二段主要介绍了手术所需的时间、费用、进行手术的条件及其好处等,故选A项。



  Brown cows may not actually make chocolate milk, but pink silkworms(蚕) do produce pink silk, a team of scientists has discovered. To see if they could produce predyed silk—silk that comes colored, straight from the source—the team fed ordinary silkworms mulberry(桑树) leaves that had been sprayed(喷洒) with fabric(织物) dyes(染色剂). Out of seven tested dyes, only one worked, producing a thread that reminded me of pink­dyed hair.

  And yes, the worms themselves take on some color before they produce silk. Their colorful diets did not affect their growth, the team, which included engineers and biologists from the CSIR­National Chemical Laboratory in India, reports in the journal ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. (The researchers didn't look too deeply into how the dyes affected the silkworms' health. After all, silkworms die when people harvest their silk.)

  The team made dyeing silk this way because coloring fabric normally uses large amounts of fresh water. The water gets polluted with dangerous chemicals in the process, requiring costly treatment before factories can send it back into waterways. Dyeing silk directly by feeding silkworms would avoid those water­washing steps. Scientists are just starting to study this idea. However, it remains to be seen if it's commercially successful. In this experiment, the Indian team tested seven dyes, which are cheap and popular in the industry.

  The scientists found different dyes moved through silkworms' bodies differently. Some never made it into the worms' silk at all. Others colored the worms and their silk, but the color disappears before the silk is turned into fabric. Only one dye, named “direct acid fast red”, showed up in the final, washed silk threads. By the time it made it there, it was a pleasant, light pink.

  5. The text is most probably a(n) ________.

  A.science report

  B.tourist guide

  C.animal experiment

  D.fashion advertisement

  6. Silkworms can produce pink silk because ________.

  A.they are born pink

  B.they are dyed pink

  C.they grow in pink water

  D.they are fed dyed food

  7. Where is the experiment carried out?

  A.In America. B.In India.

  C.In Israel. D.In China.

  8. How many dyes have been proved successful in the experiment?

  A.One. B.Three.

  C.Five. D.Seven.


  【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。你听说过蚕能吐出粉色的丝吗?印度的科学家做了大量的实验,他们通过给蚕喂一些喷过染色剂的桑树叶子,最终成功地使蚕吐出了粉色的丝。

  5.A 解析:推理判断题。根据对全文的理解可知,科学家们通过给蚕喂一些喷过染色剂的食物使其吐出粉色的丝。文中介绍了实验过程和实验结论,所以应该是一篇科技报告。故选A。

  6.D 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第二、三句中的“...the team fed ordinary silkworms mulberry(桑树)leaves that had been sprayed(喷洒)with fabric(织物)dyes (染色剂).Out of seven tested dyes,only one worked,producing a thread that reminded me of pink­dyed hair.”可知,科学家用被喷洒织物染色剂的桑树叶子喂养普通的蚕。在七个被测试的染料中,只有一种染料起作用,这种蚕丝,让“我”想起染上粉色的头发。由此推知,蚕之所以会吐出粉色的丝是因为他们被喂了含有染色剂的食物。故选D。

  7.B 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第二句中“...the team,which included engineers and biologists from the CSIR­National Chemical Laboratory in India...”可知,实验是在印度进行的。故选B。

  8.A 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段倒数第二句“Only one dye,named ‘direct acid fast red',showed up in the final,washed silk threads.”可知,只有一种染料成功了。故选A。


  During the winter of 2002, I had the opportunity to teach tennis in Nevis in the Caribbean Sea. My experience teaching and staying on the island was wonderful, __1__ it was also hard work!

  After several weeks of teaching, I was __2__ for a vacation! I had planned a surfing outing at a surf camp in Panama with my friend Clayton. I __3__ to Panama City with my tennis bag and off we went to the remote Bay of Chiriqui.

  To get to the camp, we had to load Clayton's surfboards and my __4__ gear(装备) on and off several buses and boats. After eight hours of travel we finally __5__.

  The camp was perfect. The rooms were ideal. I rented a board and we had an unbelievable week __6__ good waves.

  On our __7__ trip, we learned that our bus back to Panama City had been delayed. The sun was __8__ down on us, and the only __9__ was under a canvas canopy(帆布罩篷), next to the bus terminal attendant's __10__.

  As I walked over to the shaded area, a couple of kids started throwing __11__ at me. Thinking quickly, I reached into my __12__ and opened a can of tennis balls. I __13__ the youngsters and gave them the tennis balls. I got them to throw the balls onto the racket __14__ throwing rocks at me. They seemed to __15__ that.

  Then an older boy got interested. He joined the game. __16__ he seemed a bit more coordinated(协调的) than the youngsters, I gave him a racket and got him to try to hit the ball onto the catching racket.

  Soon, his bus arrived, and he was on his __17__. But the clinic had just __18__. Families from across the street came over and wanted their tennis lesson, too. The bus terminal attendant __19__ her post and came out for a lesson, too.

  In what seemed like no __20__, my bus arrived. Clayton and I made it back to Panama City in time for our connecting flights.

  1. A. unless B.but

  C. because D.so

  2. A. guilty B.blessed

  C. known D.ready

  3. A. rode B.drove

  C. walked D.flew

  4. A. hiking B.tennis

  C. boarding D.swimming

  5. A. relaxed B.stopped

  C. arrived D.united

  6. A. admiring B.expecting

  C. watching D.surfing

  7. A. shopping B.field

  C. return D.business

  8. A. cutting B.breaking

  C. beating D.calming

  9. A. station B.shade

  C. seat D.entrance

  10. A. camp B.car

  C. office D.house

  11. A. rackets B.balls

  C. sticks D.rocks

  12. A. bag B.pocket

  C. can D.suitcase

  13. A. approached B.blamed

  C. passed D.pushed

  14. A. except for B.instead of

  C. by means of D.in case of

  15. A. enjoy B.dislike

  C. worry D.understand

  16. A. If B.As

  C. Though D.After

  17. A. side B.phone

  C. way D.trip

  18. A. faded B.changed

  C. finished D.started

  19. A. left B.cleaned

  C. searched D.protected

  20. A. time B.effort

  C. problem D.opinion


  【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。身为网球教练的作者休假完毕返程时遇到汽车延误,在烈日下等车时还被周边的孩子扔石头,作者灵机一动拿出自己的网球给孩子们,在等车的间隙给他们上了一堂网球课。

  1. B 解析:wonderful与hard work之间是转折关系。

  2. D 解析:由下文的I had planned a surfing outing at a surf camp in Panama with my friend Clayton可知,作者“准备(ready)”去休假。

  3. D 解析:由本文的Clayton and I made it back to Panama City in time for our connecting flights可知,作者是“坐飞机(flew)”到的Panama City.

  4. B 解析:由下文作者拿出网球和球拍教孩子们打球的内容可知,作者带了自己的“网球(tennis)”装备。

  5. C 解析:由The camp was perfect. The rooms were ideal可知,作者“到了(arrived)”营地。

  6. D 解析:由上文的I had planned a surfing outing at a surf camp可知,作者在此“冲(surfing)”浪。

  7. C 解析:由we learned that our bus back to Panama City可知,这里说的是作者“返程(return trip)”中的事情。

  8. C 9. B

  10. C 解析:由下文的As I walked over to the shaded area可知,这里是说烈日“袭向(beating down on)”作者,唯一的“阴凉处(shade)”在汽车终点站工作人员“办公室(office)”的旁边。

  11. D 解析:下文的throwing rocks at me是提示。

  12. A 解析:上文的my tennis bag是提示。

  13. A 解析:由gave them the tennis balls可知,作者“走向(approached)”年轻人。

  14. B 解析:作者让那些年轻人朝球拍扔球“而不要(instead of)”朝自己扔石头。

  15. A 解析:由下文提到的越来越多的人开始加入的事实可知,这些年轻人“喜欢(enjoy)”网球。

  16. B 解析:“因为(As)”这个大点的男孩协调性好,所以作者给了他一个球拍打球。

  17. C 解析:由his bus arrived可知,他要上“路(way)”了。

  18. D 解析:由Families from across the street came over and wanted their tennis lesson, too. The bus terminal attendant可知,这次网球聚会才刚刚“开始(started)”。

  19. A 解析:由came out for a lesson可知,车站的工作人员“离开了(left)”自己的岗位。

  20. A 解析:在等车的间隙教别人打网球,“时间过得很快(In what seemed like no time)”。



  David and Jack are talking about cyber relationships in their dorm.

  David: Jack, you spend a lot of time on the Internet every day. What do you most frequently use it for?

  Jack: I usually surf __1__ net, read news and anything I am interested in, check emails or chat with other people. Sometimes I order online too. Maybe I can find a girlfriend online like a fairy tale.

  David: Well, I see. That's __2__ you are so stuck to it.

  Jack: I know dozens of websites provide dating service. Curiosity and the need for companionship make them a sure-fire business. I recommend that you __3__(try) Baihe.com.

  David: To be __4__, I really can't understand how __5__ people depend on that way to make friends. It's kind of risky.

  Jack: Yes, but it's also one of the easiest and fastest ways to meet new people.

  David: Sounds good. But it is full of traps on the Internet, and some people have really __6__ (please) experience about online dating.

  Jack: It's true, __7__ some people did find their better-half through online dating.

  David: __8__, I won't try that way to make my girlfriend.

  Jack: Don't be so sure. If you happen __9__(meet) a girl online who is intelligent, kind, honest, and you get a good feeling of her, won't you have the desire to get to know her __10__ person?

  David: I won't have such a chance in the first place, for I never enter the chat room.

  Jack: Maybe one man's meat is another's poison.

  David: That's right.

  1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________

  5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________

  9.________ 10.________

  答案:1. the 2. why 3. (should) try 4. honest/frank

  5. come 6. unpleasant 7. but 8. Anyway

  9. to meet 10. in