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时间: 焯杰2 英语备考

  Joe, 38 , had other ideas.

  He was always a 39 kid. He wasn't the kind of boy who threw 40 at passing cars on a freezing winter day or who dropped water balloons on the mailman during the heat of August.

  But he wasn’t perfect. Especially when it came to that nice little 41 that I had about sailing through school. From the day Joe started kindergarten he struggled梬ith scissors and handwriting and math. Always 42 . He passed each grade with great 43 , never at the top of his class.

  How I 44 friends who had children with the “math gene”. A mom told me her daughter was doing high school algebra while in the sixth grade. Another mom said her son had just taken first place in the district’s annual Math Challenge.

  After hearing these stories, I would look at Joe and 45 : Why didn’t we raise a mathematical talent? How is he ever going to get into 46 if he does not get better at math? Needless to say, my motherly 47 never really amounted to much. Does it ever? Moms tend to worry and worry, while whatever they’re worrying about usually 48 on its own.

  During high school, Joe slowly 49 at math. He got through algebra I & II, and geometry, our state requirements for math. I felt greatly 50 at his little achievement. Then he announced that he’d take pre - calculus (微积分) in his last year of high school, which 51 me a lot.

  “Why?” I questioned.

  “ Because I need to keep my skills up”, he explained. “ I 52 math, but I need to take it so I don' t forget how to do it.”

  “For college,” he added. “I want to do really well in college, Mom. I know it will be 53_, but I think it’s important that I try to do my best.”

  My oldest son wasn’t perfect. He wasn't a math talent, either. But he knew what was important: he was focusing on his 54 while I was worrying over his past. And that, to me, is even better than being 55 .


  36. A. worked B. continued C. expected D. showed

  37. A. books B. school C. experience D. situations

  38. A. therefore B. however C. fortunately D. obviously

  39. A. careful B. proud C. happy D. good

  40. A. snowballs B. clothes C. flowers D. toys

  41. A. belief B. interest C. fantasy D. enthusiasm

  42. A. math B. scissors C. handwriting D. art

  43. A. attention B. effort C. pleasure D. ambition

  44. A. envied B. supported C. trusted D. respected

  45. A. consider B. imagine C. wish D. wonder

  46. A. college B. life C. society D. job

  47. A. love B. doubt C. guidance D. worry

  48. A. disappears B. comes C. declines D. pauses

  49. A. developed B. advanced C. improved D. achieved

  50. A. hopeful B. relieved C. grateful D. amused

  51. A. surprised B. inspired C. satisfied D. moved

  52. A. fail B. prefer C. hate D. choose

  53. A. boring B. hard C. necessary D. beneficial

  54. A. career B. major C. world D. future

  55. A. intelligent B. perfect C. successful D. confident


  36-40 CBBDA 41-45 CABAD

  46-50 ADACB 51-55 ACBDB