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时间: 焯杰2 英语备考

  She responded, “Yes.”

  “So am I,” I responded. “Give me your bag. I’ll run 8 and tell them to wait for you.” I took her bag and started running again.

  I 9 onto the plane and told a flight attendant that one more passenger was behind me and to please 10 the plane for her. I 11 myself with her bag, and a few moments later she arrived and was the last person on the plane 12 they closed the door and 13 . After the plane leveled off, I 14 the bag to her, and she smiled at me and thanked me.

  I didn’t sleep a wink in the hotel and arrived at the 15 at seven o’clock in the morning. The 16 kept me waiting for an hour in a room. I walked into the boardroom and was initially frightened by all the 17 in their robes. As I slowly 18 at the faces of all the board members, I noticed the bright face of a woman. She gave me a smile 19 a young schoolgirl. It was the same woman I had helped ahead the night before. 20 , whenever I made a mistake on any questions, she did a great job of relaxing me.


  1. A. preparedB. caughtC. scheduledD. ordered

  2. A. trainsB. busesC. planesD. directions

  3. A. catchB. runC. getD. hold

  4. A. flightB. breathC. bagD. companions

  5. A. greetedB. metC. noticedD. sought

  6. A. walkingB. strugglingC. carryingD. running

  7. A. howB. whyC. whatD. where

  8. A. beforeB. immediatelyC. fastD. ahead

  9. A. racedB. gotC. solvedD. opened

  10. A. leaveB. holdC. remainD. reserve

  11. A. foundB. tookC. seatedD. occupied

  12. A. afterB. whenC. whileD. before

  13. A. left outB. ran away C. took offD. carried away

  14. A. presentedB. preservedC. provedD. showed

  15. A. placeB. universityC. palaceD. city

  16. A. meetingB. boardC. essayD. argument

  17. A. professorsB. ladies C. staffsD. teachers

  18. A. staredB. watchedC. glancedD. looked

  19. A. likeB. asC. ofD. from

  20. A. Needless to sayB. No matter how C. What’s moreD. In the end
