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时间: 焯杰2 英语备考


  Actually,the whole process is very cool.In the 1980s,you could sit down at a computer at any big university.Up to 100 people would be logged in and share the computer because these computers were very expensive.You could type a command to send an instant message to anyone logged in the same computer.It felt like everyone was connected together no matter where they were sitting.

  Today,you can communicate with anyone in the world.All you need is an instant messaging program installed on your computer.There are many programs to choose from.AOL's instant messenger is probably the most popular right now.MSN has one.Google has Google Talk.

  When you're ready,you create an account.Next,you need to figure out the IM names your friends use.Add their IM names to your IM program.Click on the friend you want to talk to and then type away.When you click “Send”,your friend gets the message instantly.

  But behind the scenes,amazing things are happening.Your IM program is communicating with a computer,called a server,which could be just down the road or even in some other city.All your friends' computers are communicating with a server,too.Your computer is constantly chatting with it to make everything happen.The network called the Internet makes it all possible.


  1.What could be the best title of the passage?

  A.Different Ways of Communication

  B.The Easiest Way to Talk to a Friend

  C.How to Send Instant Messages

  D.Development of Communication

  解析 主旨大意题。根据第一段的后两句及整篇文章的内容可知,该文介绍的是如何发送即时消息,所以选C项作标题最合适。

  答案 C

  2.Why did so many people share a computer in the 1980s?

  A.Because they wanted to be connected to each other.

  B.Because few people could afford to buy computers.

  C.Because few people knew how to use computers.

  D.Because computers at that time were too large.

  解析 细节理解题。根据第二段的第三句“Up to 100 people would be logged in and share the computer because these computers were very expensive.”可知,一百多个人使用一台电脑是因为电脑太贵,很少有人买得起。

  答案 B

  3.From the passage we can see that “Google Talk”______.

  A.is a kind of search engine

  B.refers to a computer company

  C.is a famous website

  D.is an IM program

  解析 细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,要想进行即时聊天,你需要在电脑上装一个IM程序,并且有很多这样的程序供你选择,故Google Talk是一个IM程序。

  答案 D

  4.The underlined“it” in the last paragraph most probably refers to“______ ”.

  A.a server B.an IM program

  C.a computer D.the Internet

  解析 代词指代题。根据上文中的“Your IM program is communicating with a computer,called a server”以及“All your friends' computers are communicating with a server,too.”可知,此处的it指的就是前面提到的a server。

  答案 A