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时间: 焯杰2 英语备考


  The next afternoon Zigfried heard some good news: a___12__family would be moving into the farmhouse soon. Zigfried‘s granny would arrive on Christmas Eve to___13__with him. He hoped that the family would come before his granny came. Before long, a car came ___14__ the road leading to the house, with butter sandwiches,cheese and chocolate.

  Zigfried‘s Christmas miracle did arrive!

  The house came___15__ the next few days. Zigfried__16__ every single hour of them. __17__, the day before Christmas when he was drinking hot chocolate with a__18__ smile at the door of his home, he heard the__19__ of the children of the family about what they might get for Christmas. What? A cat? The__20__ froze on his face; his mouth fell wide open. After a long while, he at last found his voice: "Hey! Whose Christmas miracle is this?”


  1. A. carefully B. excitedly

  C. hopefully D. proudly

  2. A. shabby B. noisy

  C. messy D. empty

  3. A. mouth B. nose

  C. stomach D. throat

  4. A. bag B. stick

  C. bowl D. coat

  5. A. although B. until

  C. whereas D. unless

  6. A. leapt B. sniffed

  C. trembled D. withdrew

  7. A. broke B. marched

  C. paced D. stole

  8. A. curious B. nervous

  C. pitiful D. sensible

  9. A. took B. released

  C. felt D. drew

  10. A. strongly B. irregularly

  C. slowly D. wildly

  11. A. escaped B. seized

  C. rubbed D. scratched

  12. A. close B. happy

  C. new D. young

  13. A. celebrate B. communicate

  C. compete D. compromise

  14. A. across B. from

  C. off D. up

  15. A. alive B. loose

  C. open D. still

  16. A. counted B. enjoyed

  C. missed D. wasted

  17. A. However B. Instead

  C. Moreover D. Therefore

  18. A. bitter B. forced

  C. polite D. satisfied

  19. A. introduction B. discussion

  C. comment D. debate

  20. A. blood B. smile

  C. tear D. Sweat


  1.C‘根据第一段最后一句.。。and he was watching for a miracle(奇迹).可知,它对有人会来到农舍是满怀希望的。

  2.D‘根据第一段的Still nobody came.和第四段的The next afternoon Zigfried heard some good news:a‘12‘family would be moving into the farmhouse soon.可知,这个农舍空着好久了。shabby破旧的;noisy吵闹的;messy杂乱的。


  4.A‘第三段中的as he filled his bag是解题线索。


  6.C‘根据常识可知小老鼠一想到猫就会吓得全身发抖。leap跳跃; sniff嗅;tremble发抖;withdraw撤退,退出。



  9.C‘宾语a hot breath是小老鼠“感觉到”的,feel具有此意。

  10.D‘由前句可推测,感觉到一股热气之后,小老鼠的心跳得更快了。 wildly“失控地”符合语境。








  18.D‘ 由.。。when he was drinking hot chocolate.。。可推测,小老鼠脸上露出来的是满意的笑容。

  19.B‘ 下文中.。。about what they might get for Christmas.What? A cat?表明这家小孩在讨论圣诞节的礼物可能是一只猫。discussion谈论,讨论。introduction引进,介绍;comment评论;debate辩论。


  [长难句] He looked around cautiously as he stole into the room where grain was stored and was quite nervous as he filled his bag with wheat.它(小老鼠)一边谨慎地环顾四周,一边偷偷地溜进了谷物储藏室,当它往袋里装小麦的时候它非常紧张。

  本句是一个复合句,含有两个as引导的时间状语从句,where grain was stored是定语从句,修饰先行词the room.