(49) 目前计算机网络的通信子网中所采用的传输技术可以有两类,即点一点方式与( )。
A) 模拟方式 B) 广播方式 C) 数字方式 D) 软件方式 ;
(50) 当PCM 用于数字化语音系统时,它将声音分为128 个量化级, 若采样速率为7000 样
本/秒,则数据传输速率应该达到( )。
A) 2880bps B) 56Kbps C) 49Kbps D) 1200bps
(51) OSI模型的三个主要概念是( )。
A) 服务、接口、层 B) 接口、层、应用
C) 服务、接口、协议 D) 网络、应用、协议
(52) 随着光纤技术、多媒体技术、高分辨率动态图像与文件传输技术的发展,CCITT 提出
网络就是( )。
(53) 具有分时系统文件管理的全部功能,提供网络用户访问文件、目录的并发控制与安全
保密功能的局域网服务器叫做( )。
A) BBS 服务器 B) WWW 服务器
C) FS 服务器 D) TELENT 服务器
(54) 在网络层实现多个局域网互连的设备是( )。
A) 中继器 B) 网桥 C) 网关 D) 路由器
(55) 异步传输模式ATM 中的每个信元的长度是( )。
A) 37 字节 B) 39 字节 C) 41 字节 D) 43 字节
(56) Give the logical variables X=0,Y=1, The value of X∧Y(logical multiply) is
( )。
A) 1 B) 2 C) 10 D) 0
(57) The Instruction Register (IR) is normally used to point out( )。
A) The address of next execution instruction
B) The address of last execution instruction
C) The current execution instruction
D) None of above
(58) When the adjacency matrix method is used to store a graph, which of the
statements is (are) true? ( )。
A) None B)I only C)II only D)I and II
Questions 59-60are based on the following information,
A hash table with hash function
H1 (k)=k mod 13
Is shown below.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Collision is rsolved using the hash function H2 (k)=(k mod 11)+1
(59)How many key comparisons occur in searching for key 35 in the given hash table?
( )。
A)0 B)1 C)2 D)3
(60)If a new key 67 is inserted into the given hash table, what will be its address?
( )。
A)3 B)4 C)5 D)6
(61)What is the contrapositive of the relation represented in the exhibit shown
below? ( )。
A) R={<1,2>,<1,3>,<1,4>,<1,5>}
B) R={<1,1>,<2,2>,<3,3>,<4,4>,<5,5>}
C) R={<2,1>,<4,1>,<2,2>,<1,3>,<3,2>,<1,4>,<4,4>,<5,4>}
D) R={<1,2>;,<3,1}>,<1,4>,<2,2>,<2,3>,<4,1>,<4,4>,<4,5>}
(62)Which function is NOT served by building a prototype? ( )。
A) It takes the place of the final system.
B) It assists in gathering software requirements.
C) It assists in estimating the cost of the project.
D) It is used as the foundation of the larger projects.
(63)Which of the following statements about testing software with data is (are)
true? ( )。
I. The primary purpose of such testing is to find errors.
II.Such testing can demonstrate the existence of errors but cannot
demonstrate the absence of errors.
A) Neither B) Ⅰ only C) Ⅱ only D) Ⅰ and Ⅱ
(64)Inthefollowing statements about functional dependency, whichone isincorrect?
( )。
A) If X'X, then X→X'.
B) If X→Y and Y'Y, then X→Y'.
C) If X→Y and X'X, then X'→Y.
D) If X→Y and Y→Z, then X→Z.