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时间: 未知2 公共课
  介词是虚词,介词不能单独作句子成分,只能用在名词、代词或作用相当于名词的 其他词、词组或从句之前,与之一起构成介词短语充当句子成分。介词在英语中用得极 为广泛、灵活,可组成许多成语和习惯用法,因此学习时要特别注意。
  into,out of,as for,without
  by means of,because of,according to,in respect of,in contrast with,in spite of
  介词短语是由介词和构成介词短语的那部分名词或相当于名词的其他词或短语构成 的。主要有下列几种:
  Aluminum and zinc can easily combine with the oxygen in the air. 铝和锌很容易与空 气,户的氧化合。
  How much luggage can I take with me? 我能带多少行李?
  You learn to speak English by speaking it. 你用说英语这种方式来学说英语。
  Everything divides into two. 事物都是一分为二的。
  The air was removed from between the two pipes. 空气已从两管之间抽出。
  It is far from satisfactory.
  We have made some progress,but it is far from enough. 我们已经取得了一些进步, 但还远远不够。
  The door suddenly opened from within.
  The airplane is about to take off. 这架飞机正要起飞。
  I consider the problem as settled. 我认为这个问题已经解决了。
  Liquids are different from solids in that liquids have no definite shape. 液体与固体的区 别在于液体没有固定形状。
  According to molecular theory,all matter is made up of small particles called molecules.
  These are movies and videotapes in foreign languages. 这些是外语影片和录像带。
  Claims beyond the responsibilities of the suppliers can not be entertained. 供方责任以外的索赔不能受理。
  The result is beyond expectation. 结果是出乎意外的。
  Petroleum is considered of great value.(主语补语) 石油被认为很有价值。
  A force may set the ball in motion.(宾语补语) 力可使球运动。